John Parra is a recognized and prestigious recreational diving instructor, instructor trainer and lifeguard in Colombia. He has carried out a great amount of projects of professional training and environmental care in different regions of Colombia and other parts of the world.

• NAUI Course Director
• Instructor DAN
• ACIB FEDECAS/CMAS two star instructor in Lifeguard Aquatic School of Sharks Security in 1978
• Founding member of the Colombian Association of Diving Instructors.
• He has organized courses instructors since 1988, where they have certified more than two hundred instructors. and. Author manual Pool and Water Safety Rescue Diving Techniques
• Founder of BIS 2003
• Founder of the Colombian School of Water Safety
• Organizer of the First Cycle of Conferences on Underwater Education.
• Organizer of the Second National Congress of Diving Instructors.
• Organizer Expobuceo 1999, 2000 and. Organizer of the First Virtual Fair diving • He has written and published three versions of the manual of recreational diving and a version of basic diving manual.