These pages provide medical fitness information for commercial, recreational, public safety divers as well as a reference for their employers. This information and forms belong to the UK HSE Health and Safety Executive and consist of the most important medical requirements for the safe development of the activity.
The Diver Medical Screen Committee, a group of experts in diving and hyperbaric doctors, at the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society Diving Committee (UHMS), Divers Alert Network (DAN) and Hyperbaric Medicine Division, University of California, San Diego, USA. Together with the support of the RSTC Recreational Scuba Training Council, launched a new test and orientation system for recreational, free divers and instructors. The updated Diver Detection Questionnaire was field tested for detection efficiency and sensitivity and published in June 2020. Download here in English or in over 20 languages https: //www.uhms. org / resources / recreational-diving-medical-screening-system.html.

In cases where quick answers are needed, IDSSC recommends accessing this link from: DAN Medical FAQ
In cases of having contracted Covid-19, IDSSC recommends accessing this link from: Diving After COVID-19: What We Know Today.
Divers Alert Network, worked closely with RSTC and UHMS on a revised version of the well-known Medical Statement, which specifically addresses the COVID-19 emergency, to be used in all recreational diving operations. IDSSC recommends accessing this link from: Declaration Form Covid-19