Psychometric Tests for Divers

The psychometric test for professional divers should cover two very important areas such as personality and aptitude and should also focus on detecting impulsive decisions by the diver, the diving team or their leaders, which could put them at risk. Unilateral decisions should be avoided in most cases if there is a dive team to be involved.

Personality test:

The goal of the Common Personality Test is to assess your motivations, cognitive abilities, decision-making skills, personality, and behavior under highly stressful conditions. 

Aptitude tests

In addition to personality tests there are a variety of aptitude tests that you will probably have to take. These include spatial reasoning tests, verbal reasoning tests, abstract reasoning, and basic math tests.

For IDSSC one of the most important factors where divers should be tested is their emotional stability. Emotional stability refers to a person’s ability to remain stable and balanced. At the other extreme, a person who has a low level of emotional stability tends to easily experience negative emotions.

A person with a high level of emotional stability is stable and calm.
People who obtain a high level of emotional stability on a career test react less emotionally and are less likely to become angry and do not constantly experience negative feelings.

People who have low emotional stability are emotionally very reactive. They will have an emotional response to events that will not affect most people. A person with low emotional stability may feel threatened or be in a bad mood in a normal situation. It can be difficult for them to think clearly and cope with stress.

Each of the five major personality traits is made up of six facets or subordinate traits. The subordinate traits of the emotional stability domain are

Social Anxiety
Vulnerability to stress

Most employers prefer people with a high level of emotional stability because they have more control over their emotions. Divers with low emotional stability may be more easily distracted due to personal situations and changes in environmental conditions and increase the risk in developing their function.

One of the most recommended tests for Professional Divers is Hogan’s. The Hogan Assessment Tests are intricately designed to gauge the various fundamental aspects of a candidate’s personality. Currently, five different evaluations are under the aegis of the Hogan evaluation. They are as follows:


The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) assesses aspects of personality in an everyday setting, mainly measuring relationship and interpersonal skills. Employers use this test to determine the conditions of a candidate to take leadership, or conversely his ability to follow directions.


The Hogan Development Form (HDS) assesses the conditions of candidates to react and maintain good performance in times of great stress or pressure, also known as “the dark side personality”. The objective of this test is to predict which candidates will be able to take control, have a cool head and make the right decisions during times of crisis and critical moments. Employers use this assessment to ensure they hire people they can trust at key times.


The Hogan Motives, Values, and Preferences Inventory (MVPI) assesses the motivators behind your personality traits. Seek to understand your goals, incentives and interests, so that employers can understand what motivates you and in which job, position, or environment you will adapt best and can be more successful.


The Hogan Inventory of Business Reasoning assesses the cognitive skills and abilities required to understand data, solve problems, and make decisions relevant to the business world. Employers use this assessment to understand your problem-solving style and methods.

Situational Judgment

The Hogan Situational Judgment assessment measures your approach to making decisions and your reaction to receiving criticism or negative feedback. It also measures cognitive skills, like your verbal and numerical reasoning. Employers use this assessment to measure your ability to learn, adapt, and decide.

Together, these assessments form a detailed outline of your personality that will be featured in the Hogan Reports. For more informations: